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@gregknapp so tell me how Busted, Steveson, and the rest of the clown crew screwed up the USA? Anybody in the oval, will take time to CHANGE
@gregknapp Obama is not yet in the white house. I love all the morons who voted for BUSH twice where are they now? like milli vanilli fans
@randomspaces yes my hot little cheese and jam sandwich. you are slightly gourmet I think. gme a PBJ anyday.
Can anyone tell me what the job market is like in So. CAL.? I may be moving there soon.
I have never been so scared then I am right now for the USA. You build a life around spending keeping up with the joneses and now what?
The joblosses are killing me. Can someone do anything besides bailout the suits on wallstreet?
The Jets are about to pull an upset. Romo for some reason is just a suspect QB. He has Rex Grossmanisms.
TO goes for 197 yds vs the 49ers, is that really saying anything? Unless he was covered by the 80 million dollar man can you say pricecut.
I am digging the fact that the Jets are 12:00 from pulling an upset over the Titans
Ashley dupree on 20/20. She is a hottie but not@ 8000 a day. An 8K a day thong can make it sunny all week,melt snow she aint doin that.
I am going to post my demo reel on you tube.
I am done with part one of a two day sales meeting. Some things just never end.
I'm going to bed, while the asian markets crash! I think we have enough flat screens and electronics equipment as it is.
@Katchin05 SIgmas? for hunger? I don't think I would trust them with my food. Now those damn AKA or Deltas ok.
@gregknapp seriously I think you and your right wing cult need to either get on the team or ask for a trade to some third world place.
As an american I am more afraid of the religious right, screwing up then the taliban at the swearing in of OBAMA.
After listening to Rev. Holick I find not much separates him from the Taliban, except maybe paying taxes.
Why am I getting so much play right now from SWFS.
Why the hell is coffee shop music so weak? I'm going to whistler.
@gregknapp GOP getting back in the game? Your kidding right? How about add more color, and pray for a major mistake.


Reem kidmercury Michele Sabatier Carole Ann Karen Agustina Prigoshin Rick Sanchez Rachel Maddow MSNBC Stephann78 Josh Buckner logicwave Rebecca Stanley Michele Tivey