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Long exposure photos- me on the wonky greeting, @adelcambre on the extra special christmas tree
@goldman But that guy is voting with his buck, creating demand. If everyone did that the next car that cab co bought would be hybrid.
Took long exposure photos of SF skyline in the park w/ blinky lights to.. er, you'll just have to see it. Photos to come. Thanks @chrisjm !
Will be able to call myself an adult when i care enough to clean my kitchen before sleep. Around the same time i start fearing natural death
@adelcambre Stop hogging the pasta maker.
Life lesson yet to be learned: If it says strain, break out the **** strainer or forfeit the next ten minutes of life trying to be clever.
Home in SF from home in PDX. Ride shares with hippie strangers, one-cat welcoming committee, and walking the town with @adelcambre ftw.
Leaving the show only to discover March Fourth on the street outside.
Private karaoke room for @robbyrussells birthday. Bohemian Rhapsody being sung & it occurs to me that I could do some errands b 4 it's over
OJ Simpson is going to jail. For stealing.
Happy birthday @robbyrussell !
Never heard that sound come out of a human before
In a sorry state. Met up after dinner and no drinks w/ a group who have had no dinner and many many drinks. Recipe for tonights herder title
Concerned parties are looking into the serious ducking problem: @chrisgriffin, @mattly, this one is for you.
OH: "I can pick up my own wifi from here." "If you can pick up your own wifi from here, I can pick up MY wifi."Who will win thisnerd battle?
Can't ducking believe Oregon still allows smoking in bars.
wrong boolean operator.
Great fun with great folk.
What does Charles Manson thinks of Obama election? Abyss on tap @ Pause. Can we have a hotdog eating contests but with # of thoughts in 140?


Evan Williams Jason Goldman Brian Oberkirch Michael Buffington Cameron Walters i heart quotes Allison Geoffrey Grosenbach Alex Payne Grant Hutchinson Greg Borenstein John Gruber Tony Delgrosso Robby Russell nostrich Joshua Green Allen Amy Jane Gruber Jacob Harris hotdogsladies Chris Mears Chris Griffin anselm hook April Buchert paige saez Aaron Muszalski Stephen Colbert matthew lyon Jonathan Coulton WhereCamp Adam Lisagor Wil Shipley Josh Susser John Moltz why the lucky stiff Peat Bakke Dooce