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“I could see the airplanes dance behind your eyes / And I was glad I found the time” ♫
@wilsonminer: Clear eyes. Full heart. Can't lose. Not gonna lie - I cried during 3 of the first 5 episodes.
Finished Season 1 of Friday Night Lights last night. Today's playlist is all Explosions In The Sky. Gotta keep it going.
Ben & Jerry's Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream with a Graham Cracker Swirl. Tonight, I dine on a little bit of heaven. Take that, root canal!
P-A-I-N! What's that spell?! Root canal.
Clear eyes. Full heart. CAN'T LOSE.
It's a Built To Spill kind of day.
Yes we can. Yes we will.
“I got out of bed today, staring at a ghost who forgot to float away.” ♫
If you're linking the last word in a sentence, do you put the period inside the <a> or outside?
@simplebits: October is Promise Ring Resurgence Month:
I've got carnal tuppel so bad in my elbows right now. Elbow replacement surgery or better posture is inevitable.
Wilson Miner has officially mastered the color green. No one else is allowed to use it henceforth.
"That was the best beta-testing I'd ever done." - Matthew Rubin
"Blu-Ray is a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
I had my first Dewdriver yesterday (diet dew + orange juice). Totally solid and totally getting me through this launch.
I just made the biggest breakthru on Virb. I'm equal parts ecstatic and ashamed.
is wondering how to say "bankrupt" in Hopelandic.


Dunstan Sarah Hatter Dan Cederholm Keith Hickensian Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Zach Klein Wilson Miner Beep. Nathan Borror Dan Rubin Brian Fling Ryan Irelan Mike Stickel Jeff Croft Greg Storey Cameron Moll Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Mike Davidson Liz Danzico Joshua Lane Trammell Naz Hamid Keegan Jones Dave Shea Dan Mall Jim Coudal Jason Kottke brad Paul Nixon Joshua Blankenship Chris Lea kate bingaman Dooce