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Kohana and Dillinger.
Not good when one of your clients is running .NET and upon renaming one of the files, the file magically disappears from the server.
@elysiumburns Still gotta replace that with the hat.
I think @elysiumburns and I just got some dude fired at the local Chili's.
Custom app I wrote has gone missing from Mosso. Not happy.
Setting up my new Slicehost server. Smell ya later Dreamhost
@mrrichhart Amen. Thanks @tonychester for a fine meal!
Shopify just sent me my password (in an email) when I forgot it. Are you kidding me?! Noobish developers.
Wrote a simple time tracking script in Python tonight. Hopefully it will make my life a bit easier.
Seriously, Netflix. I already have a plan with you guys. You can stop sending me these damn mailers.
Silverback app has been giving me a hard time. Totally locked up my computer once. Recordings failing. Now it won't relinquish my camera.
Of course! Right when I need to get out of my car it starts to pour.
At The Brewery seeing friends.
Making cat5 cables (straight-throughs and cross-overs). Anyone need some while I'm at it?
Might have to move this client over to MediaTemple if this 502 proxy error on Mosso persists.
@tonychester Mosso hasn't fixed anything yet. It's very sporadic though and we were lucky enough to have a window to test the CI app.
Initial test with a client for cart and PayPal Payflow Pro integration I wrote a few months ago went very well.
My reduced price for RoadRunner ended last month. $50/month for 7 Mbps connection? Lame.
Just saw off @kjgoesrawr. Time to write some page descriptions and flows to go along with my feature-set for this O-Dub project. Yeah!


Dan Cederholm Keith Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Beep. Ryan Irelan Scott Boms Jeff Croft John Gruber Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Matt Brett John Resig Keegan Jones Woody Gilk Curtis Mitchell Wil Shipley Jeff Atwood Ryan Sims Brad Matt Rubin Stephen Hallgren Ryan Masuga Tony Chester Jon Norris rockerBOO Antoine E Butler Sr k.j. Tyson Rosage Dan Philibin Ryan Downie Patrick Clarke kdeleon kacybuddin mattrmiller Troy McCall