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Back from Santa photos. K identified the Nordy's santa as a fake. I was sad until he said, "Maybe he's Santa's brother."
should have started milking the "santa knows..." angle months ago. This rocks.
Check out the Gift Guide Part 2 on the FILTER blog: I want the poster!
Wow, those healthy cookies I made really made me feel sick. Must be because I scarfed six of them.
Making things easy on myself. Ordering all the kids' presents from Amazon. Yay.
I know I'm in sad shape when I get my @ss kicked in aerobics by my sick friend on antibiotics.
@aharbick thanks for the endorsement. I hadn't heard of anyone using Relish yet. I'm excited to try it.
looking for some eyeballs to borrow.
@shortyawards I nominate @bcompton for a Shorty Award in #humor
thinking of signing up for Relish:
First time in six months hubby is able to help me clean the house. WOOO! And he's even in town all week. I'm celebrating.
@cmhicks I'll be expecting a post-work out follow-up tweet. I want to know if you chicken out or not.
@cmhicks LOL. Yeah, it is a patent application. So far my sketches have been only using an old-fashioned pen so we should be safe.
legal documents are great for my sketches.
@dunsany I'll leave that for the Security Geek Gift Guide. Or is that a Hacker Gift Guide? I don't even know.
Just posted my holiday gift guide for creatives: on the Filter blog. Leave a comment to win one of the items!
Working on some blog posts for FILTER.
Hoping hubby makes it home from work tonight.
It worked!! Kids are drinking carob powder, vanilla, honey and milk for hot coco.