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@RobinInSeoul I try to keep up with global goings-on but this is the first I've heard about the issue. I WILL Google it now.
@RobinInSeoul Ok, I wasn't aware of THAT. My comment was meant as an observation, not a shot at the States. (This is how wars start!) ; )
@RobinInSeoul Ironically, US officials acted that way towards Cdn beef for a long time, then discovered they had the problem too.
@bwvalentine Looks good, and goes well with your name. : )
Sitting in my truck, watching the blizzard that's preventing me from working, and I get inspired. Unexpected writing time!
@thesciphishow Of course religious people deserve a voice, but policy decisions should never be based on beliefs, but on logic.
Morning all. Happy Monday! :P
@jchutchins Noticed the name of Fall Out Boy's new album and thought of you. Folie a Deux!
Replacement hard drive delivered by my friendly UPS guy. The anxiety can end once I reinstall it as the main backup.
Morning all.
Is it a bad sign that, while eating dinner in front of the computer, I reached for the mouse instead of my fork?
@VividMuse That is an awesome USB drive. Now where did the last half hour go? It's so hard to resist their links to other products. ; )
Too cold out for the equipment I was using, so home working on a new business proposal instead.
Morning all. A crisp 9C (15F) here. Sneaking in to do some solo work before we get a foot of snow dumped on us come Mon/Tue.
@SayAnythingJen Completely missed the show tonight. :( Did they address the music break topic, or will my thoughts still be relevant?
Are we talking 10's of thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions?
Question for the photographers out there: Approximately how many pictures will a semi-pro digital SLR camera take before wearing out?
Morning all. Apparently there's a snowsquall warning for my area. Woot, can't wait to get up on a roof today! lol
Morning all. Woke up to the news that Cdn media magnate Ted Rogers died at 75. Curious about the direction his company will take now.
Ok, Google's "Chrome" browser is ridiculously fast. What are the drawbacks?


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