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One of my favourite Ozu scenes:
A musician tries to sell his soul on Ebay and almost makes it.
Time to head out into this cold London morning...forwards!
@1938media and he's coming to London to do a show at the Barbican Theatre in March 2009 he may be in NYC too. He's awesome
@1938media I'm sure you already know of Ronnie Burkett's work, but just in case you don't check this out
@paulcarr, nice meeting you in Ballans, will have to have a look at that book of yours.
@langer loved your perspective on career development, hope all works out for you and would be great to talk again some time.
@L1AD nice to meet you tonight. I now realise that your the founder of, I've come across that site before. Following your tweets
Great to see Shel Puppet in action tonight with @1938media & @Michelle in a restaurant in central London. Look forward to the next encounter
So much bitching about the shortcomings of LeWeb. I didn't attend so technically have no right to comment. But life's too short isn't it?
I wonder what percentage of user generated content on the Web goes unnoticed?
Anyone know when is N97 due out in UK?
Tangential thought. Picturing @Scobleizer doing zazen at Ryoanji with all his followers behind -
Someone is practicing an aria upstairs, it's hauntingly beautiful.
@JohnCleese @mashable = Pete Cashmore, CEO of a tech news aggregation site rival to techcrunch. His tech tweets are relentless
organizing an interview schedule for January 09
RT @JesseNewhart: The Most Important Image Ever Taken By Humanity:
LoveFilm sent me a 3 month free voucher in this packaging. Is this an example of customer dialogue or mere gimmick?
Retweeting @NilsGeylen: Arundhati Roy: Mumbai was not India's 9/11 -- great piece of writing that cuts through the crap


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