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@MattKeough Formerly having a mustache is better than not having one at all. How was yours this year? Oh... wait :)
I don't know what list I was put on, but I've received more follower emails in the last week than I ever have.
Retweeting @laurelmackenzie: @djlitten. RANDOM: a tweet of yours is the #1 result in a google search for "sports media on twitter" Wow
@jim No fan of NYY, just like the Euro sport model of spend whatever u want & if u suck, u move down. & I hate that teams get tax breaks
@jim No, I strongly dislike socialism in sports i.e. salary caps, let them spend freely, just as long as they don't ask for taxfunded stadia
@azrael I am marking April 5 and will be running the half. I did the Nov. one and want to beat my time.
Pics from last night's SMC Cleveland event at @davestack 's house. Thx to @hacool
@CherylHarrison Your new icon pic is all biz-nass.
@georgenemeth As always, it was great hanging out. Lots of great conversations, but now we have some work to do. Can't wait for 2009.
@citybuddha it was great seeing you tonight, glad you had fun and enjoyed the sweets.
Long night, but finally home. Great @clevelandsmc holiday party and celebrated a buddy's 40th b-day party. WPVT FTW
@clevelandsaplum You coming to @clevelandsmc tonight or do you have Tsuamni night again at Sushi Rock?
Not sure the process or who decides this, but Fathom was recently ranked the #2 Video SEO Company by TopSEOs
@andyhalko Just bring Christmas Ale, that's about all I'm good for.
@newmediajim Do ambulances often hang out at the VP residence?
Need some Sphinn help: Keyword Selection - Stop Shortchanging Your Clients
@andyhalko Glad to hear you are coming tonight to the @clevelandsmc event. If anyone else is interested, come as you are
It's Not Mojo: How to Take the Guesswork Out of Keyword Selection by Mike Murray on WebProNews
Retweeting @ColonelTribune: Here's a look at our editorials that made Gov. Blagojevich so mad:
@citybuddha River FW = Rocky River FitWorks over on Detroit.


Dobromir Hadzhiev Martin Hall Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Chris Brogan Michael Bailey Beth Kanter Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long Pat Philip Campbell Rachel Steinberg Robert Scoble Brad Dielman Jeremy Pepper Marina Martin Jeremiah Dossy Shiobara Neils Brooks codemonkey B. Bonin Bough Kami Huyse Chris Abraham Michael W. Geoghegan Glenda Myles Ste Davies Julia Roy Kristie Wells Danny Kautt Jeff Schuler Matt Dickman kellypuffs Steve Bostedor andrew Melissa Maples
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