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WalMart has Wii----Tempted to make a purchase....hmmm
Heading to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond for an Economics Mtg. Interesting timing for this visit.
VEMA conference has filled me with many great library media center learning lessons & VA Reader's Choice book ideas
@millerjtx I'm planning to join the crowd I remember shaking President Nixons hand when he visited our small town in Michigan.Historical
Just heard that Obama is visiting my town on Tuesday. Wow, our little rural Harrisonburg, Virginia is getting on the MAP afterall!
Loved the assistive technology conference. http://www.connsensebulleti...
helping our teenage daughter with ice packs every 15 min. following wisdom teeth surgery.---Chipmunk Song would win her love today!
@Durff I actually am dreaming that it's Sunday!---dental work coming on Friday. Need a 2nd morgage to pay the bill.--No time for bills
Love trying out our new trial software: PIXIE any good ideas for using it in lessons in the library?
ready for getaway to Sante Fe, NM with hubby. Setting up a PreK-5 library from scratch is EXHAUSTING and yet so fulfilling!
weary after two nights of "Back to School" Parent gives $100check for more Hardy Boy Books--SMILES!!!
can't wait to hear the content of VP candidate Gov. Sarah Palin. What do you predict her MAIN ideas/platform will be tonight? Guesses?
I'm thinking of our dearly missed Lee Ann Baber http://www.rockingham.k12.v...
Do we BELIEVE in our students?
Opening a new elementary library is so AMAZING!--
Great first day at Cub Run Library Media Center http://www.rockingham.k12.v... Now for Day 2 with SMILES!!!
Heading to Frankfort airport. Germany learning adventure almost complete. Hope to return with hubby in near future.
I'm loving the 850 yr. celebration in Munich, Germany. Opera tonight. Amayzing wine and historical culture.
Does anone know of a Germany teacher or librarian that I could collaborate with. I'm currently in Berlin on a Study Tour.
Love the sights and culture of Berlin. Amazing learning experience with government officials at Parliament.


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