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I can only assume from your silence that you are too nice to say "sad". Thank you, but the answer is "hopeful". ESPECIALLY at 28 years old.
Is it sad to bring my lunch to work in a Guitar Center shopping bag, or hopeful? What if I'm 28 years old?
To anyone confused, that was a Rahsaan Roland Kirk/exercising twitter joke. I guess there's a second time for everything on the internet.
@lonelysandwich Did he inspire you to attempt simultaneous hamstring curls and quad extensions? While circularly breathing? He's devious.
Does anyone else sometimes forget that Jack Handey is a real person?
"Keywords: Banks; Bank Robberies; Plans; Crime, Criminals; Heists; Monkeys; Fingerprints" via @youngamerican
This guy's smart Why didn't he get the nomination? Oh yeah, also crazy.
Accidentally took my wife's multivitamin but still want to make a boob joke about it, so I think I'm ok. Will update if situation worsens.
Breaking: Obama endorses shelter dogs, but acknowledges their potential allergenic nature.
I'm officially an election nerd. I really wish I could have shown Obama to his voting machine yesterday. Maybe I can show Warner in 2016
Being locked in a polling place from 5AM to 8PM sure puts you in a Twitter hole. Digging myself out now to relive yesterday's excitement.
Pre-election haircut complete. Necessary because my long hair would have qualified as paraphernalia directly advocating the Democrats.
Infomercial joke
This is my new favorite thing:
Officer of Election training round 2. Young folks out numbered 30 to 1 at best. If there's a riot, I'm siding with the oldies.
Please consider working at a polling place on 11/4. You will serve your country, get paid, get free coffee, and talk to nice old people.
I just swore an oath to uphold The Constitution as an Officer of Election, and am feeling unexpectedly patriotic and proud of myself.
I'm 1:20 behind on the debate, but up to date via Twitter. Apparently this Joe the Plumber thing is a big deal. Trying to catch up
Iron Chef Beer playing live while I bake 2nd ever loaf of beer bread! I knew this was a good idea.


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