Andrew Maverick Hyde’s Favorites

b. feddern
bfeddern convinced that most times i talk to myself via twitter. and im surprisingly ok with that.
Richard Grote
heyrich @bracken should we set a date for that shoe screwing party?
thomasknoll @loiclemeur you can't get @garyvee drunk. That man is a spitter.
Diana Georgescu
womanchild We've evolved into #avatars. Is this the best u can do, #Internet?
aaron mentele
amentele are interesting blog posts just extremely rare or did I accidentally drop some RSS subscriptions about the same time as twitter launched?
Alvin Borromeo
wyliemac @andrewhyde awesome, and I must say, you did shoot like a pro.
Chris Brogan
chrisbrogan How one treats a restaurant server tells you quickly how much or how little power that person has in his or her own life.
Jonathan Freedman
otakup0pe it wouldn't be thanksgiving in america without a wal-mart employee being trampled to death by a consumerist mob.
Jen Szymczykowski
jennytalia Trying to put a DVD shelf together. It weighs like 80lbs & is more complicated than a woman. I'm intimidated.
Brett Nordquist
Akula As much as I enjoyed 24: Redemption last night, I was disappointed Jack didn't shoot someone on the leg.
georgegsmithjr I am relatively certain that if I die, all my blogs/tweets/IM convos can be used to develop an algorithm that would simulate my personality.
Terry Bean
terrybean i see the "account is suspended due to strange activity" what the hell constitutes strange activity on twitter? isn't it all strange?
Andrew Maverick Hyde
andrewhyde I love the .gr greek domain name... all I really want is
Nat Torkington
gnat holy shit, America elected a black man as President. Every time I remember this, I'm blown away.
Blake Hall
blakeshall Officially done with Startup Weekend Lexington. One of the greatest learning experiences ever #swlex
Robyn Knowlan
Robynna At the dog park watching the clouds and the sunset. They're moving so quickly over the foothills.
Sonny Gill
sonnygill wow - just passed 1,000 followers. not a stickler for numbers but glad this many people find me interesting enough to follow :)
Erik Boles
ErikBoles @andrewhyde it's interesting how not listening to your audience is no longer just for newspapers.
strebel Can't sleep.. Qwitter told me I lost 5 followers after the ultra-nationalist ford commercial tweet. Later facists.. Go harass some gays now
hotdogsladies How can a "technology evangelist, community builder and knowledge seeker" not also be a "serial entrepreneur?" IT JUST DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.


Evan Williams andrew Chris Sacca Matt Galligan danah boyd Rod Begbie Ian Hay Wayne Sutton Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch johann Hillary Hartley michael lambie tommy payne brent Scott Beale BJ Cook Aubrey Sabala Kevin Cawley thomasknoll Hiten Shah Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Kelly Cookson George Kelly Glenda Carlos Granier Al Abut Michael McFadden Dan Cederholm Matthew Bischoff brady forrest
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