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@brettmcdowell by "accidental" I meant that it wasn't a concious decision to add OpenID. IntenseDebate just happened to have it #change_gov
Finally combined my sites --
asked @jaderossdale help me with some grunt work. Apparently she's getting presents sent to family and friends. uhh, priorities? hello?
Love this commit message: "Make trunk bleed again"
@cgseller hmm, I've not seen any myself. I have a lifetime account with @joyent, so I won't be going anywhere anytime soon :)
moved @citizenspace website over to new @joyent server. If you don't see snow on the site, DNS updates haven't taken effect yet
when it comes to @wordpress, @factoryjoe knows just enough to be dangerous (and I think he'll agree with me on that). *sigh*
@jdub am I not seeing something on the wordpress home page? Either I don't see the joke, or I'm just slow tonight (entirely possible)
okay, @wordpress home page has been fixed. 2.7 is offically out now.
The @WordPress homepage doesn't help matters much
so wait, wp2.7 is NOT final, yet it's tagged in svn? really, WTF? Why tag it if it isn't done?
looks like @wordpress 2.7 has officially been tagged w00t!
@robotchampion pretty sure you can thank @turoczy and @marshallk for that
@turoczy yeah, well... you know. ;-)
@turoczy they did the same thing on Flickr: barackobamadotcom account somewhat replaced by changedotgov account
@turoczy my thinking is that @barackobama will be his personal account when he's done in DC. Kinda the same reason they took his blackberry
looks like @change_gov may actually be using Google Apps... (the iframe inside "Open for Questions") points to Google
To confirm that OpenID on @change_gov was "accidental", they're now using SAML for "Open for Questions"
hmm.. just got an email that may revive some of the Shibboleth+OpenID work. This could be interesting.


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