Warren, Mr. Warren’s Favorites

luxuryluke @mrwarren how about <div id="float-left-sidebar-secondary-also">
Derek Balmer
derekbalmer Last tweet by @mrwarren reminds me of this one time when I was dumped, then got a parking ticket and then a bird shit on my shoulder.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman @mrwarren Why do you hate Christmas?
Ryan Brunsvold
brunsvold @mrwarren true, but clean water can't trample anyone to death in a Wal-Mart, so where's the fun in that?
beep @mrwarren: Sorry, got carried away. OH CRAP DM FAIL
Dave Shea
mezzoblue project request: "we would like a sexy and unconventional UI, and have the ability to re-brand it for multiple clients." No. Pick one.
Vance Reeser
vantazy Holy crap everybody in my town went as a skank redneck AGAIN this year. Weird.
Greg Hoy
greghoyboy now that I have @urbancrunchy's iPhone and have figured out the code, all of her contacts will soon be informed about 'the clap' situation.
Grant Hutchinson
splorp Based on my astute monitoring of AEA-related tweets, there’s been ample rocking, shredding, and killing going down in Chicago.
Chris Cashdollar
ccashdollar @mrwarren just bought me a Shirley Temple. The first Shirley Temple ever purchased at 3am.
Robert Jolly
iamjolly - OH: I'm not ordering you that pansie food Mrs. Jolly. - @mrwarren
Greg Hoy
greghoyboy Just received an email from the FDIC stating "the funds wired to your account are stolen." Hmm. Perhaps I should click on this attached .exe
Scott Boms
wishingline In Denmark they use bacon as bank notes.
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson My son just drew one of those cute "Family Circus" dotted line trails all over the house. In poo.
Ryan Irelan
ryanirelan I'm moving from supporting Obama to Undecided until I see what surprises McCain has hidden in his cheeks. You never know, it might be good.
Hicksdesign hooray! my doppelganger has released another mixtape!
Benjamin Vickery
bvickery quote of the night awarded to @mrwarren "[the] home row can kiss my ass"
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich You can keep your broccolis and your spinach, thanks. I'll take okra and bok choy any day. The marginalized vegetables, if you will.
luxuryluke lights up tobacco pipe, nods to butler, climbs into carriage, whips the oxen and heads to coffeeshop. turns to look at you and tips hat.


Sean Porter Dan Cederholm Josh Bryant Lisa McMillan Keith Hickensian Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Derek Featherstone Beep. Julie Johnston luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith Marko Mihelcic Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Mark Bixby Steve Smith Brian Fling Derek Ryan Irelan Geert Leyseele Scott Boms Faruk Ates Jeff Croft Grant Hutchinson cindy li Greg Storey rands John Gruber Shawn Morrison Cameron Moll Malarkey
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