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New SSL is up, at the cost of my sanity. :P https://store.clickableblis...
I hate SSL certs -- I feel like I'm disarming a bomb. Should I cut the green or yellow wire?
Watching some Ze after hearing a song of his on my random iTunes. I miss his show.
@cbarrett as someone who lives near the philly airport, be glad you were not here. The storm was aweful. Starting to clear up now.
@joshlewis He should go down to the homeless shelter and make fun of their unkeptness. What a jerk.
@rentzsch thats the current avg -- of course i'd need to underbid that to get the project.
Maybe I should apply for this job:
@leonbrussels LOL -- Candidates: 4 - average $9.28/hr ; ouch on the avg income.
Ah I did look before i posted -- but i missed it :( Thanks.
Shouldn't Twitteriffic automatically scroll up to the top when new tweets come in?
@rtmfd yeah i saw that a while ago. Classic. :P
@mj1531 been ok, just away from technology; i might make a comeback, we'll see....
Does this thing still work? Check 1, 2. Hi everyone. :)
Via @macsb School Bans Hugs Over 2 Seconds
@fraserspeirs I would thins so. I mean thats what other distributors do (eselerate). I more concerned about customer data, refunds, coupons
@uliwitness you probably right. If fact it's fun to listen to Apple talk down you you in the UI video, basically saying: don't be a moron.
@uliwitness Hopefully. :) Sure will make people think out their UI before getting started. hehe.


Buzz Andersen Manton Reece Justin Williams Jonathan Wight Brian Cooke Hickensian Colin Devroe Zac White John Gruber teh_real_chock Scott McNulty Rogue Amoeba Dori Kevin Ballard Darth Vader John Siracusa Twitterrific Fraser Speirs Zachery Bir Brent Simmons rentzsch Daniel Jalkut Daniel Marks Tom Harrington Bryan Bell Luis de la Rosa Gus Mueller MacSB Chris Liscio Victor Agreda Jr Steven Frank hotdogsladies Matt Legend Gemmell Vinay Chris Hanson