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New Statcan study on how Internet increases social & civic participation
'I Am Under 18' Button Clicked For First Time In History Of Internet -
Misses the good ol' days when I could sleep fine, unmolested by jet lag from hell
Pulitzer Prizes will now recognize online only news - finally!
Couldn't help watching TV segment on how much we can learn from arranged marriages. Gotta stop working with boob tube on.
If gov is giving billion bailouts to industry I think tech industry will help economy mid & long term much better
@brandingdavid I'm more addicted to delicious than FB or Twitter. Delicious is my crack, Facebook my booze, & Twitter my caffeine
@INSPIRE_ite & others - I'm going ahead starting Ontario chapter of Internet Society. Will be a gradual process, so will keep all posted.
@EdenSpodek don't fat blog, you're Bargainista - go shopping for new clothes!
@INSPIRE_ite Thanks for reply. 1st ascertain interest then get members, then work for ISOC goals
Anyone interested in participating in an Internet Society chapter for Ontario? I think we could use one, could do some good & have fun.
Why is it that the stop button in Firefox almost never seems to work - often greyed out. I hate that!
I guess the one nice thing about being unemployed student is I don't have to worry about being laid off - seems more & more each day
I just heard the word skank on daytime TV. I didn't know that's allowed. Is it allowed on Twitter?
Yahoo Canada published most searched terms for 08. It's fun & horrifying. NHL #2 yes, but Miley Cyrus #5, egad!
Spent most of today catching up on about 2 days without email access
What I don't understand is even when I do crappy tweets, I'll still get new followers.
Not sure if it's jetlag or my return to the arctic triggering hibernation, but I just cannot get back in the saddle again.
Back from #igf2008. It was great, met W3C, Bob Kahn, cool Net global pros & ate amazing food. Lack of connectivity & terrorism big downers!
Last #igf2008 blog posting done on cool learnings about accessibility


danah boyd Jason Calacanis Alexa Clark Michael Mistretta Connie Crosby Tamera Kremer Mathew Ingram Randy Matheson toshio k. David Weinberger James Cullin CBC News Michael Nelson Jerome Paradis Kim Vallee Phil Clarke jill380 Marie Young zdnett Eden Spodek PodCampToronto jenn lowther brodiedavid twemes Brad Biddle bengtfeil Crosby Group OneWebDay John Battelle Sheldon cfomarshall rossmckegney Brad Einarsen Community Divas Foodland Ontario Technology Review