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@jacksonj I have to set up the link for the video streaming this eve. Will Tweet the Link first think in the morn. I'll also DM you.
@chrisheuer Congratulations. Wishing you much success. May your Dream Team enlighten those blind spots & help us all evolve our thinking
What canned goods/non-perishable foods are you bringing to #SMB11 tomorrow? Pls join @kanter @gradontrip & @firstgiving @marketwire sponsors
@Nazgul You are all set to join us at SMB11 tomorrow. If you can - pls support our Food Drive for Bos Food Bank
Going to #SMB11 tomorrow? Pls support our Food Drive for the Boston Food Bank. Best donation ideas -> Pls R ...
RT @douglaskarr Content Will Drive Awareness, Not Advertising - via Razorfish Consumer Experience Report 2008
Going to Boston's Social Media Breakfast on Wed? Consider supporting via @firstgiving one of the #SMB11 sponsors
@swirlingmedia Yikes - hope everyone feels better soon - Rest up my friend. Let us know if you need some homemade Turkey Soup.
RT @nytimes NYT NEWS ALERT: Tribune Company, Publisher of Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, Files for Bankruptcy - Oh My
@girlgamy Here you go my friend - @Bryanperson back in Boston this week Plus at #SMB11
Going to Boston's Social Media Breakfast #smb11 this Wed - Join the SMB-Boston group on Tweetworks: Thanks @MikeLangford
@CMajor Nothing would make me happier. DM for program details @repcor and @thespottedduck #bangout something great at #SMB11
@repcor It'll be great to see you as well. We may just have to call you up on stage at #SMB11
@repcor You so Rock. Great vid on marketing conflict b/t generation gaps & inbound marketing
@deborah909 Thanks for touching base - I'll add your name to the waiting list. We also plan on live streaming #smb11. Stay tuned for details
@tibbon Someone must have had a good night sleep..;) SMB11 is Wednesday morn. - Be prepared to engage your community for social goodness.
@CalamityJen ahh the fun with DM & Twitter. Ya follow & follow - but good folks can't DM you. R U coming to Bos soon?
@mwyn Mary - I've added you to the waiting list. Hope to have good news to share soon... DM later tomorrow. ~night
@LenEdgerly Great to hear from you Len - Safe Travels - Hope to see you at another SMB soon. I'll keep you updated.
@ecc1977 @nazgul Love to add you to the waiting list for #SMB11. I'm reviewing the registered list - hope to have more seats @gradontripp


Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jerry Michalski Peter Berg wil wheaton Wayne Sutton Dave McClure Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Dion Hinchcliffe Gene Matt Cutler Scott Beale (jeff)isageek Brett Petersel Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Elliott Ng Kingsley Joseph Susan Scrupski Sooz Jayne Melyssa L. Scott Hussein Rafer Shannon David Parmet Mike Manuel Abby Justine Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan julien Graham English Chuck Olsen
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