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@marieburns I did but then right back home again, two kids with strep, and one has ear issues beyond that, that had him at his specialist.
MattyG "hey, do you like asian chicks?"
pickup takeout at the bar, phone number and a date offered, always wondered how the bar scene worked
just found out my 6yr old kisses his girlfriend good morning on the bus everyday
@AnnT ugh....can't do dora
@rseanlindsay I owe all my badass BASIC to the C64
should I be worried about the uptick in Spam mail trying to sell me Viagra and those pushing a membership to AARP?
Three perps caught in yesterdays neighborhood break-in
Loving the home office, popping through ops issues one after another
yay! random car parked in the one part of my street where there is no house...not too suspicous after the days events
still wondering why the fbi was so disinterested about the fraudulent charges for airline tickets to Mumbai on my card
@betamatt I'm a fan of force-chiro
Candlelight walking tour at Mount Vernon was incredible
Looking forward to Dinner at Mount Vernon later this week
This is not good roadtrip weather at all
Caught in the crossfire of a Viximo musical duel