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Grinning very wide after listening to Digital Flotsam 71.
@isfullofcrap You could always use the Hittites as example. They are all gone, right?
@wizard1974uk Aye! And that's much the focus of these lessons today.
Starting classes for 4th graders this a.m. Talking about head injury prevention.
Oh, before I go... thumbs down to Pepsi, Coke and everybody else that uses high fructose corn syrup or aspartame in their products. #PEPSI
Day has gone on much, much too long. G'nite all. ♫ Fire Damages Local Business - My Interview
I'm wondering if anyone has actually had success getting Gmail video chat to work. Crashes my browser every time cam loads.
@waynesutton Thanks for sharing that link. I was quoted on behalf of NIOA in another earlier this week:
I used to record with my band Twin Coast in the studio of Charlie Bushor's father (Charlie is former Why Store d... ♫
I never cared much for Henry, but man I dug his tunes. He knows how to get the hook out there. I miss the era ... ♫
IndyinTune Podcast says "Do NOT challenge them to a game of 'Let's See Who Can Get More Naked First.'" ♫
Waiting for physical therapy appointment. I hate to wait for med appts. I even got here early to fill out paperwork.
Just watched new Strangers in Wonderland video "Fear". Based on their other stuff, I can't say I like the song -..
Tried to update Adobe Reader. Install failed at update.api Now no reader at all. :(
Daily Blog Tips, Elegant Themes - BVB30 (
I wish there was a way for Brightkite to default back to my primary placemark if I don't update within so much time. Does this exist? -...
Police Use Web-based Tools for Messages:
Just had a cast of my feet done for orthotics. That is a weird experience!
Took car in for an oil change this a.m. Was not happy to hear other service that is needed. Valve covers leaking and more.


Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jessica Wayne Sutton Paul Terry Walhus Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. james Angelique i heart quotes Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Jay Moonah Becky McCray Doug Haslam Jim Long Philip Campbell Lee LeFever  C.C. Chapman SMITH Magazine Todd R Jordan  Chris Heuer Sandy Lupa neville Chris Ainsworth Bill Futreal desgrassia Kami Huyse Ike Pigott Paul Colligan
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