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@dancingnancyfla yeah, but the great thing about the whole "if the season were to end today" thing is that the season didn't end today :-)
still can't believe the Dolphins are tied for first place in December. this time last year they were 0-13 :-)
@russpalmer it's not a real name. I made it up out of random letters :-)
note to publicists: don't try to impress me by telling me your client just won a "Brammy nomination" in the subject line ;-)
@WickedGood good point. funny thing is though, I think the Dolphins were the underdog when they first played the Bills a few weeks ago...
memo to Dolphins: wildcat only works if the defense thinks Ronnie Brown might actually throw the ball, which he hasn't in about ten weeks.
@macgasm there's a conspiracy to keep me from watching the fins games no matter which coast I'm on or what country they're playing in :-)
listening to the Dolphins game on the radio. might head out to a sports bar later. still stunned it got bumped off TV for motorcycle racing.
TimeWarner cable sent me a final bill for $0.00. I'm trying to make up my mind whether or not to pay it
still trying to figure out how to get the cable internet stable in this house...and now I've run out of coaxial. I should get paid for this.
@paulvalach yeah, you know the rules are arcane when USC decides to break them, and their opponent decides to help them get away with it...
@paulvalach Gators went from 3rd and inches to 3rd and 5 due to some off-field penalty. but they scored the TD anyway so it didn't matter.
if this game is ultimately decided because of a "too many men on the sideline" penalty, then there's a word for that....
@Chinkerfly I'm a Florida native, and I've got friends who are UF alumni. so go orange and blue :-)
@PaulFranz I managed to get AT&T to bail me out, which was fitting because it was their mess to begin with.
the Florida-Alabama game reminds me of Terminator 2 - a pair of indestructible opponents taking turns blowing each other up.
unintentionally left the house without my iPhone earlier. talk about multiple forms of withdrawal at once...
@PaulFranz what galled me is that the Apple Store employees, including the manager, just didn't seem to give a crap about losing a sale.
@marymcnamara only if I can re-work it into being something of value to readers and not just an extended rant
@jpspiderman ask me again after these cards are delivered :-)


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