Leslie Poston’s Favorites

Ashley Albert
pluckypea @daNanner I really feel that 2009 will be The Year of the Bacon.
MichaelPatrick Leahy
michaelpleahy #TCOT Final thought -- Accelerated Churchillian Development -- Every liberal at 20 is a possible conservative at 25. Engage fearlessly !
consumatron Designated driver sometimes = hostage situation.
Robert Scoble
Scobleizer @ariherzog if you can't see why I use FriendFeed so much by watching this: there's no hope
patrickmoran Realized today (again) I am a little bit on the bleeding edge of tech sometimes.
Fart Sandwich
FartSandwich @AshleyPaula @kinseys FUCK YES! You two ladies are certified identifiers of all things awesome. I am where awesome and retarded collide.
Bre Pettis
bre Consumers are the new terrorists.
Patricia Elizabeth
elzbeth James Van Der Beek with Chad Michael Murray on One Tree Hill? Damn. Did Tiger Beat just explode?
Ike Pigott
ikepigott My Dad is now on Facebook. I wonder what the sixth seal will be, and how it will reveal itself.
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly Just told @alexiskold: "If I was part of the team trying to stop Skynet, I'd be gunning for you." The deep thinking behind Glue is profound.
Nater Kane
naterkane i love @chartjes' tagline "Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass Whatever my favorite Mac-journalists' company bosses are doing to prevent them feeling they have to make up news, I appreciate it.
John Coyne
cohnjoyne Any doubt that a man is behind the "K-Y Yours + Mine Couples Lubricant" commercials? They're hot, unrealistic & over in 30 seconds. #MMNPL
The Magnetic Mentor
MagneticMentor My daughter just left with a boy in a car for her first official date. Can't talk I have to go follow them. I am not looking forward to this
hieronymus oh oh, my Junk folder just hit 666 unread. Repent!
Matthew Broyles
thematthewshow Cranking my Simon & Garfunkel. The original sad bastards.
Dr. Mark Drapeau
cheeky_geeky @whitneyhess I know a guy in the @usarmy named Major Twitterer, which is also confusing.
Nick Douglas
nick Forgot, forgot, the fifth of November.
Bre Pettis
bre OH: I am getting my nerd on like I never have before. I'm taking apart all kinds of stuff! I'm pushing the thick glasses up on my head!
Jessie X
JessieX Commentators, hey, there is no "youth vote" when we're at a culture shift. There's a Millennial Vote & GenX Vote. "Youth vote" is misnomer.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Peter Berg Chris Sacca seanbonner Ross om Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Scott Beale Roderick Manuel Viloria Aubrey Sabala Brett Petersel Michael Dave Morin George Kelly Daniel Johnson, Jr. Brian Del Vecchio Keith Williams mdy Sooz srah Zoot David Parmet Mike Manuel Christopher Savage Dean Landsman Frank Gilroy Stowe Boyd
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