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Retweeting @mollydotcom: W3C Validators in Jeopardy (and what you can do about it): Please pass along.
Harper Canadians do not elect a government and thanks for adding another item to the list of things u do to stay in power
off to chair a meeting, then another meeting followed by yet another meeting... should channel the toddler and see how that goes
in the office... its dark and windowless like I remember it
survived Ikea, my inbox is another story
Ikea. F yeah.
OH: Mo mo dance. Mo dance daddy.
@JPWP that explains my love for #beer
should also add that it doesn't scare me as much as Harper does when he speaks. Canada needs leaders.
having worked in academia for ~8 years now I can honestly say it scares the crap out of me that an academic will soon lead the liberals
#techtriangle tweetup was fun, good to put real personalities to tweets!
@melle I will just turn to stalking, best just make it easier on you
@ccarmichael i am on my way... will look for the AideRSS geeks (they stand out)
probably should not have started this site trying to figure out the hard parts
argh... UW's sharepoint implementation doesn't have working RSS
@remarkk its political duchetardesque i think... but it is a bit better than Harper's flanders meets nelson style
@remarkk Trudeau is the only person that can save the Liberals methinks but they have to fail even more for them to give him a chance
@remarkk of the eggheads at the top of the Liberal Party, Ignatieff seems to have the most charisma. But that isn't sayin much.


Dom Sagolla Scott Fegette Paul Butler David Crow Thomas Vander Wal deeje James Walker Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Melyssa L. Dimitri Glazkov Jevon Thomas Purves Kitta Emily Chang Tantek Çelik Hickensian Drew McLellan Derek Featherstone Tom Coates Snook Veerle Pieters Will Spaetzel Rachel Andrew Cameron Adams Gary Barber  Vicki Faruk Ates Matt Herzberger Jeff Croft Kenneth M. Berger Beth Raney Jeffrey Zeldman Joe Clark Mike Downey Stef.
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