Jesse Rodgers’s Favorites

Stuart Robertson
designmeme @jrodgers @melle There's an event on Dec 9th for people in north-east Cambridge via @ccarmichael
Jesse Rodgers
jrodgers A proper welcome to the world Raphaella Elizabeth Murphy-Rodgers! She having her first meal.
David Crow
davidcrow OH @accordionguy "do not discount the douchebag market!" - ana Venture 101 with Joey deVilla
Matt Herzberger
Leila Boujnane
leilaboujnane Marketing is not only much broader than selling; it is not a specialized activity at all. It encompasses the entire business.– Peter Drucker...
Kyle James
kylejames Google Analytics API coming soon... now THAT'S a GAMECHANGER...
David Crow
davidcrow I hate artists who think they are designers. how to tell the difference? fragile egos - designers thrive on critiques, artists blame clients
Quotations Book
quotesoftheday If we are intended for great ends, we are called to great hazards. -Newman, Henry Cardinal
jevon Getting good at screwing up:
Derek Featherstone
feather okay. I admit it. Dreamweaver is looking pretty impressive in its functionality for managing and editing sites.
Drew McLellan
drewm @anton IE submits the innerHTML of BUTTONs to the server instead of the contents of the value attribute. Fixed in IE8, by the look of it.
stefsull Today is just one of those days. Bjork is really getting on my nerves.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Kimberly Elam at WDN: a designer's job is to organize. There are 5 ways to organize: by category, time, location, alphabet, or hierarchy.
Jesse Rodgers
jrodgers is now a proud dad! Baby and mom are doing well. Welcome to the world Addison Murphy-Rodgers!


Dom Sagolla Scott Fegette Paul Butler David Crow Thomas Vander Wal deeje James Walker Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Melyssa L. Dimitri Glazkov Jevon Thomas Purves Kitta Emily Chang Tantek Çelik Hickensian Drew McLellan Derek Featherstone Tom Coates Snook Veerle Pieters Will Spaetzel Rachel Andrew Cameron Adams Gary Barber  Vicki Faruk Ates Matt Herzberger Jeff Croft Kenneth M. Berger Beth Raney Jeffrey Zeldman Joe Clark Mike Downey Stef.
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