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Something is technically wrong. This user moved to
Folks, I am now over at It's been nice knowing, Twitter. Good luck on that database hunt.
my apologies to Red Wings fans. We're such party poopers :)
@ehodgso, wow, what a game. Make that two games! Russia wins Gold for the first time since '93, Pens make finals, first time since '92.
sporting Pittsburgh Penguins shirt and a playoff beard, still w00ting from the last night's game. W00T.
I thereby rename our family the Crudzkovs.
ok, @anthonycrumley takes the prize yet again: this is (minus two bugs) a JS memoizer (or lazy initializer).
@anthonycrumley -- or will it be the window object?
... and, find an error in my code, related to use of 'this'.
.. and, can it be made shorter? re: JS quiz (
another JS quiz: What's the point of this? function f(o,n,op){o[n]=function(){var r;return(o[n]=function(){return r||(r=op())})()}}
the point of open source is not in that it's free. It's in that it's open. Code, process, and community around them.
check out the semi-transparent dialog box:
sentence-based UI, a bit more refined:
has one eye dilated, now literally looks like this: O_o
@anthonycrumley, you win admiration of co-workers!
@anthonycrumley, right -- and using the neat double-bang coercion trick :)
JS pop-quiz. What am I verifying here: alert(!!'');
first night as a permanent resident. We'll see what this is all about.
wow, thanks for congrats, @all :)


Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Kevin Fox Mojo Denbow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale thomasknoll Dave Winer Dan Cederholm Caterina Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson Beth Kanter Robert French termie Lachlan Hardy Jeremy Keith Alex de Carvalho Tantek Çelik Hickensian Aaron Gustafson Danny Ayers Drew McLellan Samuel Cole Ben Ward Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Bob Robertson-Boyd Garrett Dimon Veerle Pieters Bradley Horowitz Frances
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