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Interesting blog on the weakening of local community impacts on small biz:
impressed by Amazon Payments
@niqui a conf call? with Austrialians?
quite impressed by 'Amazon Remembers', seems fairly accurate.
a quick bit of jQuery methinks before heading out for dinner!
just been quoted $522 per line of code for a project... hmmm...
@nphan82 what are you looking to learn?
@jccrosby I know, Katie saw Equis last night where he bared all and done dirty things to horses, he is apparently also really tiny!
On his way to work, craving some coffee
apparently has has a bigger penis than harry potter
@TheBusyBrain nope, what are you trying to do?
@toddysm crazy considering its not even 3rd party!
@toddysm agreed, assuming JS is coming from trusted source and (ideally) liability is assigned to 3rd party in contract there is no prob
@mesh 2dSense is quite good if you are talking about QR codes
@toddysm how do they suggest you gather analytics? The only security risk comes if its 3rd party JS, but even that can be mitigated
@bradheintz I'd also recommend you take a look at Selenium, great for testing things on the browser side and creating reusable test scripts.
@bradheintz it seems a little more comprehensive than the scriptaculous stuff, but actual usage is very similar.


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