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HSBC called to say they were canceling my MasterCard as it's part of a range of numbers that have been compromised - anyone else get that?
Just bought - fame and fortune will surely follow
Had a lovely day out at London Zoo (great otters), now off to a dinner party for turducken!
Registered some potential domain names for the Thing we built at Super Evil Dev Fort
@stml Alderney has a runway but we ended up landing in a field when we arrived last week because the wind was in the wrong direction
Living in a disconnected fort for a week has curiously killed my desire to bum around on the Internet
We made a thing! On way home from our fort
Explored some hidden Nazi tunnels, now shopping
The airport has wifi. We're wondering if a pringle can ariel on the control tower would have lone of sight to our fort...
Too windy to land on runway in Alderney so landed on the grass, surprising a pheasant
Lovely xmas present from the Beeb: a new 30 minute Wallace and Gromit short on BBC 1 over Christmas!:
V. impressed by student loan company - a few years ago they couldn't even tell me how much I owed, today one phone call got me everything
@nicepaul nah it just saves them the tedious bits, they made it look beautiful in the paper
If ActionScript is powerful enough for a C64 emulator, why has no one written an SVG renderer?
My map's in the Guardian print edition today! Very excited :)
@plasticbagUK the map shows raw numbers, not density - but all constituencies are meant to have roughly the same population
My heat map of BNP membership is on the front page of :)
Worst idea for a Facebook app ever: "which of your friends is a member of the BNP?"


rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest veen danah boyd Matt Matt Jones Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch adam Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Jason Calacanis Nikolaj Nyholm Paul Smith Dan Cederholm Robert Brook Stewart Butterfield Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson l.m. orchard ribot termie Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith MJ Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Gabe Wachob Norm!
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