Doug March’s Favorites

hotdogsladies I think the people who made these label templates went to school in a country where "Elegant" means "For Legally Blind Hookers."
noel @Marchdoe troubling? Astley was a genius. A man not afraid to show his emotions. ;)
Dan Rubin
danrubin I hereby declare Monday, April 14th "Typeface Zero Day", and encourage my fellow designers to deactivate all their fonts. Solidarity!
Jason Garber
jgarber Randy Huffman, Meat Scientist
cindy li
cindyli @adactio I'd going to do karaoke debut tomorrow night
Jeff Croft
jcroft I just came up with the best game ever: take a video while your subject thinks you're taking a flap 'n snap. When they stop shaking, tel ......
Martin Ringlein
mringlein is heading to dinner with the fam - my dad is 50
Dan Cederholm
simplebits has a big day of house-related projecting ahead. Yay.
rentzsch coining "twoosh", a contraction of tweet-swoosh. It's when your tweet hits exactly 140 characters sans editing. Nothing but net.