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I'm thinking about putting together a Christmas podcast discussing the terrible and awesome experience that must have been Mary's pregnancy.
@bkocik Damn those Aussies think big. If they had a space program, we'd have colonies on Mars by now. With giant Martian fences.
Tonight, the Internet taught me that about the Great Dingo Fence. 3,306 miles of Australian fence to keep dingos away from sheep herds. Wow.
I don't think I have *ever* laughed harder than in the last 3 hours watching reruns of Stephen Fry's QI ( Goddamn.
Virginia Lottery is now $207 million, with odds of 1 in 176 million. Expected value is 18 cents. Mathematics compels me to but a ticket!
@wbruce Just beware of whoever makes it big on the Web by reimplementing "rm -rf"
@wbruce Sorry for the multi-posts. For some reason Twitter doesn't like me saying "Google" at the end of my posts.
@wbruce Sounds like the rule for Web app success: take a common Unix command-line utility, and make work for the Web. E.g., find -> G ...
@FacilitatedSys Back in my college days, we were taught that secondary sources were an evil to be avoided at all costs. The training holds.
Incidentally, if you want to read a fine book on Gantt charts, check out H.R. Gantt's book: "Work, Wages and Profits".
Well, now I realize I've been spelling Gantt wrong. It's Gantt, not Gannt. I should trust my browser's inline spellcheck more.
30 minutes spent in OmniPlan trying to abuse a Gannt chart to do a PERT network diagram's job. Throwing up hands. Project mgmt fail.
Just tried Merlin (, which is pretty good. But still no PERT, nor Critical Chain. And the budget stuff I don't need.
@beautybyella I can only assume that you are following me because I am so fantastically unstylish that I desperately need your help. Yes?
And don't tell me Phoenix Project Manager. They missed Apple design class ( My eyes! The goggles do nothing.
OmniPlan for the Mac is ok, but I suffer for the lack of PERT network diagrams. Gannt charts only get me so far. Any other options #lazyweb?
Apparently, I am the *only* person at #customink to log into I would have thought at least 1 or 2 other people would have.
@vimtips The pointy brackets and escape sequences for those brackets aren't necessary for the word count. Twitter formatting issue?
@alexenko All I want is a slick PDF reader with some simple annotation capabilities. No RSS, no wireless. Just a cheap & simple PDF gadget.
@jessabean At least it has mostly semantic markup. I'd really like a version of WMATA optimized for my iPhone (or other cellphone) though.


Clay Johnson Julia Sifers l.m. orchard David Ellen Nemesis rands Bruce Williams Nic Ferrier Charles Miller Tobias Lütke Mark Cornick Jonathan Arkell Rosalyn Lemieux Sebastian Küpers David Tim Goh Chris Laura Fitton Alli Rense Bill Kocik Jill M. Foster Rob Ares Will Duncan Steve Greenberg Pratik Joe Grossberg Luckiest Monkey Garrick Anson Jack Vinson John F Croston III johan pretorius Next Update Jim Holmes wycats Brian Marick Brian Button Mirko Froehlich
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