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Oven-fried pork chops last night; cooking bacon/onions for something special tonight... our house smells like a soul food restaurant. Good.
RT @KatMeyer: from @sarahrettger - this is fabulous info for bookselling twitterers: Congrats to Dan Saffer and team for release of "Designing Gestural Interfaces". Cover blurb (& tech rvw) by @atomick
Kurt Cagle: "Children generally learn to adapt to their world despite our best intentions in trying to teach them how to live in ours."
@jessmcmullin iPhone = leading e-reader; Kindle has its own upside. Fun to watch the landrush. NYT piece on YouTube-as-DIY-revenue-source coincides nicely w/new book release
@jessmcmullin Mkt for eBook content on gaming platform is what I question. Did they throw 100 classic bks on there because it's pub domain?
@jessmcmullin My backup anaology was going to be "having a wine list and sommeliers at Chuck-E-Cheese's". ...But isn't that like presenting a Mahler symphony at (NASCAR) Daytona speedway? Isn't Kindle a better home for this? Nintendo DS puts 100 classic (Dickens, Shakespeare, Austen et al) books on gaming device. Love the thought. But. Stacey M's newest post on Project Management/Developer's Perspective. Come for the info/stay for the hilarious links.
@gfxman (Coldplay affair) And thanks to Amazon's samples function, you can play them simultaneously in 2 browsers. They're in the same key.
So that means you're heading over there later?
Bizarre message in fortune cookie last night: "Here we go. Low fat, whole wheat green tea." Huh? What's weirdest f-c message you ever got? First material from *Google SketchUp Cookbook* now on as beta chapters. Check 'em out; feedback welcome!
Ditto in wishing best of luck to everyone affected by the Adobe layoffs. If it helps, DM me @steveweiss (O'Reilly) for writing/etc opps.
Great resource list from Tyler Emerson. "A Heretic's Toolkit: How to Communicate 'Dangerous Ideas'":
@chipd Hi, Chip. Brian Fling advised I contact you RE "Know anyone in the Denver area who could help write a UX book? DM me @steveweiss"
Know anyone in the Denver area who could help write a UX book? DM me @steveweiss


Evan Williams veen davegray Buzz Andersen Dave McClure Scott Janousek Jason Calacanis David Barnes brady forrest Victor Lombardi Beth Kanter Beth Ryan Stewart Chafic Kazoun phillip Brian Fling Robert Scoble Aral cote James Governor Bryan Zug Jess McMullin chipd Brian Jepson Ethan Kaplan Brian Sawyer Robert Hall brandon schauer Ted Patrick Jeff Keni Pulver Peter Elst David Armano jjg SXSW Tom Raftery John WIlker
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