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wishes @ginader a very happy birthday. Saggy-taurus types FTW!
expects to see @DanAdcock advertising Iceland in the near future.
@DanAdcock: "Mythical Man-Badger spotted in West End!"
thinks "wossname" is the new "widget"
needs more tissues, STAT.
is working from home, although still feels exceptionally unwell.
thanks @DanAdcock for the epic coughing fit that link just gave him. Also, Answers looks gash on his mobile.
is "properly crook", apparently.
hopes his workmates are all enjoying their winful lunch.
thinks nasty cold is nasty.
still feels awful so won't be in work.
notes it's probably never too awful to Tweet though.
has a temperature. That might explain the headache and why he feels FUCKING AWFUL!
feels proper rough now. Chrimbo lunch is a definate no-no.
aches all over and is in bed, shivering.
has come down with a stinker of a cold in a matter of hours. Fucksocks, might not make work Christmas lunch. :(
is getting ready to pick the girls up from their grandmother's house.
@kerin: That's a FACE OF PURE DUMBASS
played Prince of Persia over his lunch.
is listening to Joni Mitchell on Spotify, thanks to a conversation with @adrianocastro


Si Jobling Norm! Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Ben Ward b4dcaos Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Stuart Andrew Disley pixeldiva Phu Steve Marshall Calum Indranil Dasgupta Neil Ford Andrea Snook Jeff Smith Andy Hume Nate Koechley Stuart Colville Frances Neil Crosby Major Nelson (Larry) Faruk Ates Danny Amey Olly Hodgson Aral Yoan Blanc Mike West Paul Crowley Yahnyinlondon Brad Wright Gareth Mike