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Needs to go to his 'happy place' (clients not allowed) where his temper can defuse
wonders why 'web professionals' can't seem to create an FTP acct that lets me set recursive permissions. Not pleased.
Is nearly home after an afternoon from hell
quite likes Umbraco even though he knows nothing about XSLT, XSL or XPath (newbie book recommendations appreciated)
@sarahG heh, more like Twa....oh, lets not go there ;)
Hello Mr Puppy, you still in NI?
@fordie nice one :) I'll give it a go
@thefunkhouse I do indeed remember the 8 ball ;)
@rutty_uk mine is also broken. Was perfect before 2.7 upgrade so I'm going to call shennanigans on the PLugin
@thefunkhouse they probably far surpase mine - I ain't started Flash up for about a year I think
@samhs dark horse? Moi? How's it going DDN-ers? All well?
UK Tweeters - M6 closed until 7pm tonight, not sure which junction but around Spag Junction
Is being annoyed with clients
@Joeymom blue with a white hat? Maybe....I thought I heard it singing earlier
@gbrettmiller admin interface is waaaaay better and it seems (in my limited testing) to be faster.


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