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@whet Must be rare to be served up such a juicy visual cliché / pun on a big story. I hope for their sake he visits a turkey farm next.
I love photojournalists: #blago
@redorangeorange I mean, he's the first one I thought of, too, but I want /reporting/ ;-)
Fox News Chicago is saying pretty definitively that Senate Candidate #5 is Jesse Jackson Jr. Anyone else confirm this?
Relevant soundtrack for today: The Fucking Champs.
Glad Fitz is so good at his job, but it's sad we have to use the DOJ to do what the political process can't. Still have Daley, Stroger
We've added foreclosures and foreclosure auction results to EveryBlock Chicago:
I really see this as more of an indictment of bad pompadours and turtlenecks. #blago
Patty mouth: During the call, [Blago's] wife can be heard...telling him to tell Dep. Gov. A “to hold up that fucking Cubs shit, fuck them.”...
Fun activity: 1. download Fitzgerald's criminal complaint PDF, 2. search for "fuck". Goto step 2.
I wonder how fast the IL GA can get an impeachment vote together?
FBI: If IL isn't the most corrupt state in the nation, certainly a competitor. Even the most cynical agents shocked by what they heard.
@jsb paraphrasing @lvaughn: how else could he pardon himself?
EveryBlock: Indictable Hair Near You:
@jsb Got a few CPS teacher friends, all are strongly negative on him. Couple of them like Linda Darling-Hammond. I dunno much, tho.
@lvaughn That'd be good because I doubt anyone else on earth ever would.
So who's the dumb, dumb, dumb pol that tried to buy the Senate seat knowing the Feds had turned Rod into a one-man surveillance society?
Keep hope alive! President Blagojevich in 2016! (Not my idea: still his, apparently.)
@jazer catch you in '12 when yer done with it


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