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Heading to the holiday party for my better half; second such party in as many days. Added bonus: my suit still fits.
Last year's @crowdfavorite holiday party: 6 people. This year: 16 people. Good people, good food, good times.
Got it working using these instructions: Now that it's active, I popped out the SIM card and all seems to work
The SIM card from my iPhone doesn't seem to work in my Andriod dev phone.
BlackBerry Bold seems to go in and out of 3G coverage quite often. Anyone else in the Denver area experience the same/different with AT&T?
Working on the second 90%.
Shocked, *SHOCKED* that this code seems to have worked the very first time.
@stevenf MacBook Air = 45 watts vs. MacBook Pro = 85 watts.
A *duh* moment. You can rename a disk in a disk image by simply mounting it and renaming it. I kept poking around Disk Utility
Back to using the iPod fatty for podcasts since the last release of Podcaster for iPhone is horribly broken. It's a far superior car device.
Snow was supposed to have stopped according to, but it's still coming down pretty good. I see shoveling in my future.
Amazon Honor System going away. Over the last 5 years I probably got ~$50 in donations through that payment method. Not a big loss for me.
Wish I could get my GrandCentral voicemail as voice-to-text SMS (like Spinvox).
Curse @echeng for introducing me to Trism.
Putting the lights on the house. Hope I don't fall off the ladder. ;)
Ordered an Android Dev Phone. @gordonbrander will have a another device to compatibility test our mobile interfaces on.
Installed Amazon MP3 downloader and purchased my first music from Amazon instead of iTunes. A bit more complex, but not a bad experience.
Checked out a band video and found a luthier 10 minutes from our office:
@sogrady What brand? I've had decent success with Seagate (knock wood).


Dave Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Sean Porter Kevin Cawley Michael McFadden Peter Gornell Daniel Newman Jason Hoffman Julie Johnston Gordon Brander Warren, Mr. Warren Matt Walters photomatt Jeremy Harrington Chris Pederick Alex Payne rands Chris Griego John Gruber teh_real_chock Joseph Scott steve o'grady Anne Z. Ethan Kaplan Josh Pigford Devin Reams Twitterrific Brent Simmons Sam DeVore Charles Miller raanan DeWitt Michael Sitarzewski Geof F. Morris Steven Frank