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Time for sleep. Night all.
Damn. Just realised it's six deaths in four years - not five. Really becoming annoyed by this whole mortality thing.
Just found out K's uncle died this am. Sigh. That'll be the fifth friend/family death in four years. Digging out list of folk to contact.
@nonyknits Alas - I am not the Adrian you are looking for. Sorry.
Moving several million rows onto my local box so I can figure out where these evil queries are going wrong.
Trying to figure out why DBIx::Class is getting very, very slow when pointed at the live database.
Committing things.
Defeating problems caused by over-eager caching.
inbox zero day 3 - and more coffee needed.
inbox zero day 2
Drinking coffee and pondering whether HTML::FormFu will actually save me time here.
Enjoying stew and dumplings for dinner.
... and all tests are passing again. That'll teach me to write code when ill.
At work and warm.
@martinpolley One of the few times a hot MBP is an advantage :)
Getting some work done with a 3G dongle in a bloody cold station with no central heating and - and this particular moment - no trains. Sigh.
Still making tests pass.
Figuring out some authentication logic.
Fewer failing tests than yesterday. Actual progress. Huzzah.
Sorting yesterday's timesheets.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Steve Jenson veen Ross Andrew Crow peterme Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Dan Cederholm Susan Scrupski Robert Brook Victor Lombardi l.m. orchard ribot Doug Haslam Kevin Cheng Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Leslie Chicoine Aaron Gustafson Christian Weinmayr Drew McLellan Natalie Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Tom Coates Snook Jackson Wilkinson Paul Boag Sandy Robert Scoble Dave Cross Ryan Carson Andy Lester
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