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Just finished mammoth evaluation of the design of shop and profile pages on @folksy. Hope @jamesb and @monkeyhelpr like it.
@jahcub Okay, so perhaps I didn't word that very well... Replacement Mighty Mouse is £34 quid though!
@anonymoustom I've been jiggling it and blowing on it lots, but it's still not working... :-(
Yay! Our project Muddy has been written about on the BBC's journalism labs blog: More:
Scroll wheel on my mouse has stopped working properly. Only scrolls up, not down. Annoying.
Time to watch #Survivors (BBC1). It's episode 4. Can't say it's gripped me so far, but I'll stick with it a bit longer and see.
@dmje xslt seems to have limited use nowadays. Mostly confined to making RSS/Atom feeds look a bit prettier...
Trying out Firefox 3.1 beta 2.
enjoying the romp though disused London Underground tunnels in Spooks.
@AJCann @andypowe11 a few weeks after switching from Bloglines to GReader is all it takes. You won't look back...
@pipstar sorry, slow reply, no time to tweet when preserving! Made: marmalade, plum+fig chutney, blackberry jam & mango chutney. Rock on...
More mymalade in production. Flat smells deliciously of oranges.
Had to just check that the bacon I had for breakfast wasn't Irish. Luckily, it wasn't. I'm safe.
today I'm going to be preserving like I've never preserved before.
Heading out to buy fruit.
Peter Sissons is being remarkably climate-sceptic on BBC News, much to the ire of interviewees.
Just got a comment on my blog, pointing at Heh. I Googlebombed the BBC! Background:
Yay to my ISP Be for cutting their prices by VAT drop of 2.5% 'plus a little extra'. What shall I do with the 50p a month I'll save?
@alexmuller Thanks for the tip - just installed on my Gmail... :-D Now I don't have to be scared by the high number of unread mail...
New GReader lets you to remove the 'unread item' counts. GENIUS feature. I hope they add this to Gmail soon, then I can safely ignore mail..


Matt Jones Joshua S. Freeman foe Giles Turnbull Robert Brook Mark Simpkins danhon Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester russell Hickensian Chris V Stuart Steve Marshall Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Phil Gyford jamesb Alistair MacDonald Chris Deb Bassett Bobbie Johnson Euan Semple Dan Matt Webb Aaron Straup Cope Antony Jem laurence timms Matthew Cashmore Tim Beadle Mike Butcher Lisa P Ryan Carson PeteJ Tim Wright
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