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tall buildings shake voices escape singing sad sad songs tuned to chords strung down your cheeks bitter melodies turning your orbit around
this product comparison pages fails at making it easy to compare products:
the new GReader is faster, not crazy about the UI, tho, too much bolded text in navigation makes it hard to scan easily
@envirotainment cool! Yes, I'll be in New Zealand in February for Webstock...*really* looking forward to it! See you there!
sorry, completely American-centric tweet there...I see lots of European/Australian folks up as well.
While most of you are up late, I'm actually up early. Good night/morning!
@pc4media Yelp uses social proof well by surfacing active users, so new users know what valued behavior is.
@dlifson tumblr definitely has some large text... (50px Georgia) it's almost too big, if that's possible:
twitter poll: what is the best sign-up page you've seen?
Glue is doing some nice things interface-wise...e.g. super smooth following/friending
by using Glue from @adaptiveblue, I can see who is viewing the Amazon page for my book...that's an interesting case of social proof.
@jakelumetta Yes, the feature will definitely be applicable to social networking web sites. Hope to share more as it matures.
@pc4media social proof ( is very good at leveraging it)
working on a very cool interface feature that centers around social proof...very happy about where its going.
@buzonerre thanks for the Spanish lesson...I won't be accusing the fellow of squatting (even though he isn't using the account, afaik)
@cwodtke you singlehandedly brought down Pownce...that can't look good on the resume.
@cwodtke right...I don't think @ev thinks that...I think he was being self-depracating, but it didn't come through in the piece
@timoreilly is right: the Amazon iPhone app is an amazing view into the future of software.
@cwodtke that quote is from sounds like he's playing off the notion that people think features, not context, are what's important
@leisa well then I guess the real question is: How many bloggers are you stalking? :)


Evan Williams kellan Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Chris Baum Noah danah boyd Matt Jones Ross tedr Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Micah Alpern Tim Kersey Jared Hanson Gene Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Hiten Shah Jason Calacanis lane Brian Del Vecchio Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Sooz Fred Oliveira Thor Muller Steve Ganz Jyri Engeström Jackson Fox Stowe Boyd Beth Kanter
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