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@robot_operator We've never had cable, and between netflix, hulu, and bittorrent we've never felt deprived.
@lotd "I’ll meet the money in Stockholm/ain’t gonna walk home/think I’ll retire to the south of Spain and sip gazpacho."
@aweissman Isn't Bruce everywhere, for ever and ever, amen? ;)
Heading out to young entrepreneurs brown bag lunch. I (a) am old, and (b) don't have a startup. Joke's on them, I guess. :)
@poeks Um...I think we need to stop talking about @ceonyc's boobs now:
Anybody else hosed trying to update to Twhirl 0.8.7? Neither automatic update nor download/reinstall working for me.
@poeks I'm not sure I'm comfortable discussing @ceonyc's boobs publicly. I'll dm you.
@poeks I'm totally prettier than @ceonyc.
I just voted for @innonate to be the new NYTM Organizer. Go, vote:
Indie label fail: just heard Matt K. Shrugg's sincredible solo records, but no legit downloads anywhere. Help him @thetapeleader! Testify!
@kirkhenry Wow -- that Thomas Pridgen video is incredible!
@juliaxgulia I just got mine a minute before I tweeted that, so good odds:
Oh FUCK yeah! The Walkmen AND The Dodos @ the Masonic Temple next Tuesday! Walking distance from home, baby!
Brooklyn seems a long train ride away when I've forgotten my ipod at home.
@shortyawards I nominate @lotd for a Shorty Award in #music because "word begets image and image is virus."
@aweissman @alexlines Okay...I believe that may be the best site on the internet.
@alexlines Yeah, I almost went with Torture, but I think I was overwhelmed by the options available from King Khan
Music geeks: best throat-shredding scream of 2008? I vote the "yaaaaa-whooo" here, 0:40 - 0:42 #screamies2008
@hudlines Thanks! Not likely I can get there tonight, but...just in case, figure...what, 7:30 to get on line? 7:00?


heif Joe Lazarus Scott Beale Michael Young Dave Winer lane JohnBorthwick brady forrest Scott Hussein Rafer Prashant Agarwal Andrew Parker Dennis Yang Michael Markman ian c rogers John Gruber Anil Dash Rex Sorgatz Hugh MacLeod David CenterNetworks Jeremiah Damon C dearsarah Peter Kafka Mike Essl Ethan Kaplan Nate Westheimer Joshua Green Allen Mark Schoneveld Amy Jane Gruber Brent Simmons Sylvain Carle Jon Steinberg Adam Lindsay Steve Rubel hotdogsladies
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