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appshopper had a bit of a hiccup today. you may seem repeats in your feeds and some broken links. all should be fixed from now on.
@parislemon See vid here: - also, it's a 2D game (though looks 3d)
@parislemon no offense, but watching you play dropship was painful. haven't you ever played lunar lander? try short bursts of thurst.
top 100's back and the same as always
hmm. apple removes top 100 lists
@bshirley I don't understand. you saying you can't advertise your app outside the app store?
@docwho76 it's cause I hate character sets and all their issues and haven't gotten around to fixing it.
wtf does "objective c instruction set" mean?
@webguyatwork Bloomberg is quoting an Analyst saying that $99 is possible. not saying there is one. Same analyst has been wrong many times
@majicdave @timhaines hah. yeah. I could look at stats all day. :)
Blog Post:,, Stats, and Stickiness: So, this blog has been rel..
@1earth2love post-doctor life is excellent. more family time by far. really enjoying my day-to-day work.
(my personal blog that is.) I'm about to post a new one though.
I added my blog feed to automatically tweet. I blog relatively infrequently. but we might see some old ones appear cause I just activated.
@kishba spymac is seems insane :)
if anyone has a scan of the U.S. print ads, send it in.
@tfserna the way my sleep schedule has been, it seems like I need someone in the U.S. to follow things :)
tap tap dance is actually quite good.


Dave Winer Jason Calacanis John Gruber Matthew Rothenberg David Chartier Ian Betteridge Jacqui Cheng Rogue Amoeba Joe Wilcox John Siracusa Brent Simmons Kevin Rose Steven Frank Adam Betts LC Angell  Andru Edwards Jason Snell Michael Johnston Ed Kirk alexis ohanian Michael Arrington Gabe Rivera Mathew Ingram Ryan Block nawckz Julie Strietelmeier Nick Denton Jason D. O'Grady Michael Ducker MacRumorsLive Jeffrey Grossman Cabel M. Sasser Daniel Zilber Wolfgang Bartelme David Gorman Wil Shipley