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@ultimatecasino? really? such an obvious spam bot? you're blocked buddy.
i think the winner of the nytech meetup leadership position should be forced to wear this to prove their commitment.
@2xlp that's why the "community" is really nothing more than most folks relating to others as if it were high school. no politics for me!
@mindgrub you got it man... i miss old EC
how is this possible? honestly, the nytech meetup election is retarded. again, glad i didn't attend yesterday
She hasn't been there in a year and 1/2 or so. Was a PM. I'm bringing her to Boston Saturday.
watching @ozsultan's presentation from last night... other presentations will be watched after a call
@tedmurphy you should move to similar name, totally different company. they're WAAAY more "metro"
the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra just filed chapter 11 and are done. my grandma is out $400+ for her season tickets. holy moley!
time to take @wearenom @abouie @ylove & @mattchew to lunch. #nom
if you're lazy, and want to look me up..
@cdharrison i'm right there with you... however ending my days early doesn't have to do with being a night owl, but instead just being busy.
@cdharrison why are you always up at 5am? is it a southern thing?
Still playing copyeditor to Taylor, worst timing for me ever, but I'm really glad that I'm able to help reduce her stress.
@snookca i just went pro off the bat and never looked back. the @omnigraffle folks totally took care of me.
looking into the @mogulus platform, and am thouroughly impressed. if my ugly mug could be in front of a camera... well, yeah.
playing copyeditor for Taylor


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