Tim Bray’s Favorites

Scott Hanselman
shanselman "A 64bit rewrite of a 32bit Extension to a 16bit DLL on an 8bit OS running on 4bit Hardware by a 2bit Company without 1bit of Competition."
Mark Pilgrim
diveintomark sometimes it takes all day not to write the things that shouldn't be written.
Eric A. Meyer
meyerweb If code is poetry, then blogging software must be written by Vogons.
CcSteff Solution to economic crisis: sack everyone who has an MBA.
CcSteff So relieved the physical therapist didn't tell me to do yoga. Nothing is more painful than boredom.
Jeff Croft
jcroft @tarabrown Are you talking about me again?!
Kelly Jeanne Fowler
Kim, YiChul 金利哲
kimarx And Kant would say that any threshold value meaning 'enough' must depend upon the direct democracy built from all sciencists.
Bryan Jones
BWJones Oooooh, light gated glutamate receptors!
CcSteff I don't understand paprika, pantyhose or ankle boots with skirts.
Norman Walsh
ndw By my calculations, a light-microsecond of 24 gauge Cu wire would weight about 4.6 pounds. I'm just saying.
why the lucky stiff
_why also, when you see a cannibal deli advertise an open face reuben, they mean a real face. yeah from a real reuben.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman This interface looks like somebody ate Facebook and forgot to flush.
nwjerseyliz @MariaPerotti Unfortunately, this is true. We tried leaving notes to her on the fridge but we can't force our cat to read them. Sigh.
frobot Thinking on this 4th, what could be more American than Google, Sun, Yahoo, Intel, and eBay all having a founder who wasn't American-born.
frobot Fucking suv bitch cut me and other pedestrian off. Go back to Naperville or whatever suburban wasteland you're from.
Luckiest Monkey
luckiestmonkey The thing about plums is that they disengage from their pits with a stoic lack of grace.
Aimée Doiron
aimeedoiron Riding the streetcar with my window open, listening to the random snippets of songs in the cars going by. Strange and wonderful.


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams kellan Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest veen Jerry Richardson Scott Beale joshua schachter Jeffrey McManus David Orchard Nelson Minar Boris Mann cyprien Michael Koziarski techknow Greg Stein Graeme Mathieson Adam Keys Edd Dumbill Avi Bryant d.w. Robert Scoble Ted Leung photomatt Paul Downey kris krug Alex Payne Ryan King Benoit Descary Anthony Steve Rhodes John Gruber Anil Dash
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