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@chrisobrien at the IdeaLab: Mistakes I Made with the Next Newsroom Project.
@burtherman Agreed! The vast majority of those 800 newspaper Twitter links are reporters but many don't engage the community in the same way
Benjamin Melançon at the IdeaLab: Why Spot.Us Should Have Used Drupal (and Why It Doesn't Matter).
Just came across this list of 800 newspapers that use Twitter (funny that I have more followers than all but 6 of them).
Blog post: 'Social Innovation Camp: Changing the world one weekend at a time': Chris Heuer at Social M..
What's hot on YouTube? Math & science tutorials. Cool to see educational videos taking off.
Christmas light displays that are spectacular rather than gaudy (tho not PC) - and right down the road.
rt @BeMeaningful via @joshuadenney 6 great people who made contributions to great causes:
@hostingimpact @RoyalAntsJosh It's stunning how much space videos take in their raw form (hence another argument for miniDV tapes).
I remember, 3 to 4 years ago, when a 1-terabyte hard drive seemed impossibly large. Now they're on sale at Fry's for $110.
@Veronica What, Mandy's not hot anymore? Oh, the vicissitudes of pop culture!
Welcome to the hood, @shiralazar!
@bronwen We should all keep an eye out on this. A loss of free Internet speech in Australia is a loss 4 everyone online. Keep up the fight!
Finishing cooking a fantastico roast oregano chicken. South Amer. fruit coming in at Calif. stores: yummy mangoes & avocadoes for 99 cents.
Amazing scene outside: an owl flying across a scary full moon - the year's biggest. Wish I caught it on camera.
Just got in from the spa. Ahhhhhhh, that's better!
The Australian government plans to test a Web filtering system that is drawing cries of censorship from advocacy groups.
I still can't believe PayPal has dumbed itself down to the point of being nearly useless for some transactions. 300 characters max. Jeez!!!
But I'm in the process of my 3rd major switchover (Manila in 2001 > MovableType > TypePad > to WordPress) in next 2 weeks.
As of next Thu., TypePad will have Previous & Next links on its blogs, something I've been asking for for 3 years. Better late than never.


Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Jerry Michalski Ariel McNichol danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh seanbonner Xeni Jardin Ross om Dave McClure Nick Douglas peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Emily Davidow Josh Bancroft Mike Carvalho Jackson West Dave Winer Jason Calacanis George Kelly Christine Herron Andy Abramson Sooz Caterina Thor Muller Jennifer Woodard M David Parmet Josh Hallett Justine
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