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Check out the full moon tonight peeps - "Earth set for full moon close-up" BBC wants pics!
Thinking I might as well leave a sleeping bag at work, since I seem to pretty much live here lately ;-p
Dragged myself into work to go through projects since I'm off next week. I deserve some kind of medal for this ;-p
@Britt7094 @alistair @PJ - it must be a heavenly choice because guess what I have for lunch? MINESTRONE SOUP. I kid you not!
@littlecharva - LMAO!! The Big JC reckons he's going to fetch my chips for me. He best not forget the mushy peas again though
@paul_a_smith @PJ @littlecharva - I don't need divine intervention to point me towards chocolate for breakfast. I'm sick, it's the cure.
@jonoble - I like your choices there! Want Obama's for Xmas. Really enjoyed The God Delusion, I recommend it
@dunkndisorderly - I want to see the first photo of you falling on your arse - cos you know there will be many! ;-p
Still feeling awful; working from home but need to drag myself into office later to go through some projects. Bah.
As always, I got sidetracked and now I'm late to bed. Was hanging Mickey Mouse Christmas lights upstairs, of course :-D nite all!
@StephenTiano - it's a great book, some very clever design work, one of my faves! Enjoy :-)
@WhiplashDesign - but I'd gladly give a kidney or such to save them, if that were possible, never mind the money :)
@WhiplashDesign - I cannot put a price on the lives of my cats :( Max. insurance I found (& have) pays upto $12k costs per illness
hehe love that site, linked to this:
This site is just too damn funny: http://fuckyoupenguin.blogs...
Having a spurt of activity, at last! Kitchen tidied, bins emptied, cat litter changed, food bowls boil washed, laundry done. Now for a bath.
Boosting the immune system (hopefully) with a gorgeous kiwi, apple and lime smoothie - yummy :)
Taking a break and checking out @ourman 's COPAAP Cameroon photos and videos on Flickr :)
Trying to design a website with so much content it's messing with my mind. It made sense when I wasn't ill, LOL ;-)


Meg Hourihan Alistair MacDonald Dave Graham Ben Terrett Vonster scamper Sam Ben Fairless Twitterrific Paul  J White tomit Melissa Maples Drew Domkus Sophie Barrett Craig Rodway mihow Oblivion Ratula jon bradford Bayliss Bleu Caldwell Dan LaMee Gary Short Jason Kottke D&D Minions SB Steve Jackson Terri catster Jeff The Midget Brian Chignoli Joseph Kimojino Dooce Britt Phil Brown Dignan Jon Armstrong
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