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Feeling stressed about my work today, maybe cuz I'm neck deep in complicated data. Taking a short break for the CogSci holiday party.
@tara I'm home alone too! It'd be fun to learn how to knit mittens ;)
@raratan Good luck, buddy! You'll be proud when you finish :) (And I second @zzleila's recommendation to sleep!)
The coolest part about Cookies & Crafts night was learning how to spin yarn! Now if only I knew how to knit... ;)
Heading out to Cookies and Crafts with the women in HCI at UCSD!
@declan The moon is already huge tonight! It's gorgeous!
RT @opemopy anyone know how to output signal from PST's Serial Response Box to matlab?
@alaz I am going to the cookie swap tonight! See you there!
I'm watching a video lecture of my dad's on e-discovery while I'm baking oatmeal cookies!
@opemopy You went back to SAM! Haha, I almost crashed your happy hour last week :) I hope the SD thing works out for you! Fingers crossed!
@opemopy Congrats on finishing your grad school apps! What are you doing in the meantime?
@mchammer Your "Tweeple I need to follow" post is like @waxpancake's "Faces of Mechanical Turk" for Twitter. I like.
@auren Gladwell says it's a lot more than just practice (or intellect). I just wrote a blog post on this:
Listening to the Seeing Machines people tell us about their eye tracking technology.
@edchi Hmm, disappointing. Did you learn anything interesting?
@lawmune Please tweet the BayCHI talk! I would have liked to see it.
Oooh thanks for the ideas everyone! I love oatmeal raisin (@lucca) and russian tea balls (@JadeRossdale)...yummy cookies in my future!
I need to make cookies later this week but I don't have a rolling pin or cookie cutter. What can I make that doesn't require those tools?
@factoryjoe You're like a traveling salesman these days. You should be taking a cut from the profits of all these shopping deals!


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