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@park yes i know @garyvee... curious - how did you hear about him? besides talking to my sis? i'm working w/ him now on a project
@gregarious no adult naked's generally unattractive and not specific to gender
@gregarious you went too far and i can't help you now. You should NEVER run. you deserve this. So do all boys who have done this.
@ostermayer that's a great idea - been wanting to read that. How do i always forget about the audiobooks? you using iTunes?
@gregarious you did not tell me. what did you say to it? you must have hurt his should apologize.
finished tax final. that was mentally taxing. taking long nap.
@TXcellardweller I went to Univ of CO in Boulder...used to be good! lost my stride..I boulder mostly u? ... "Obama gets a crisis 'test run'"...yes he does... tmrw should be interesting.
Assuming I actually finish my Tax final tmrw I plan 2 reward myself afterwards. Indoor rockclimbing @ Metrorock 2pm. @ronga if u want 2 join
survived Bikram yoga...with all that's going on, everyone could use a little mental release. And by release, I mean extreme physical pain
OK, I've spent over 1hr on Twitter, 2hrs watching 24 & spent < 10mins preparing for my Tax final which starts in 8hrs. Procrastination?
@ajv great rec, now following...the boston globe has something similar, but @dailyhistory does it w/out wasting paper. thx!
@theft Niel Nasset - check him out...he's a local mucisian from Austin...listen to Cut Through the Coin
@Lotay but it is the best instrumental intro i've ever heard. love death cab - heard them live in brooklyn and unbelievable in person
I really want this dress on Gilt... what to do?
@garyvee - two questions: 1) did u really hang out w/ chuck bass... 2) did you tell him about me, how he and I are meant to be together :o)
@kastner give Airborne and Zicam a go if all else fails in the AM... i swear by those
GM is def appealing to the human side but is a mfg base "critical to the economy & national security of the USA"?
I had a dream that I was a spy. I've also been catching up on Season 6 of 24. Correlated?
@park congrats! She is adorable & i love the name Charley. Can't believe you are a father. damn. u are going to be aweomse.


Evan Williams neha Paul Terry Walhus Paul Brian Solis Gregarious Ranvir Gujral Sarah Austin Erik Kastner Daniel Burka Kevin Rose Pierre Omidyar AJ Vaynerchuk Barack Obama Todd Earwood Peter Kim  Michael S Galpert Pete Cashmore Adam Jackson Dan Ostermayer Laura Fitton mullacc Suzanne Mikawa Threadless Sarah Lacy Gary Vaynerchuk CEO -Tony Erin Kotecki Vest dailyidea Park Xavier Lur pflick Matt Sitomer George Cigale Zappos COO - Alfred Tim Wiseman