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Going Christmas shopping. Almost done but need a few little things.
@diyosa Right? But 5 means kindergarten. This helps. I'm counting the days until August.
@diyosa I wish it did. Caleb + 5 = more whine so far.
Trip to the aquarium today for Caleb's b-day. Forgot my camera. Bought a disposable. Can't wait to see pics...
Thinking this 'short week' is going to be a long one.
Having lunch and fretting over holiday plans
Uploading my 2007 photo book. Feels good to have it finished.
Need something fun and cheap to do with kids today.
Making DVD and photobook of last years photos so I can finally get them off of my hard drive. Nothing like being a year behind.
Uh. So I CAN have a break. Where the hell did the delete go?
Using kung-fu panda to entertain my kids so I can't have a break.
@mrsminired Oh no! Hope she is okay. Keep us updated.
@KyleHepp Uh Oh. Hope things work out for you
Online christmas shopping/browsing. Hoping for some really good deals this season.
Wishing the kids would quiet down just a bit. I have had a headache all day
Didn't mean to post that. What is twitterank and why can I no longer delete here?
my Twitterank is 21.97!
Thinking about starting her Christmas shopping....
@madfabriholic Growing pains maybe? This has happened to both of my boys while having a growth spurt. Good luck at the Dr.