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is filling up @ $1.99/gal. Finally!
is having a Coke. From a real bottle.
feels silly asking but, is Google down? Or just me?
should probably start keeping backups of more than just Photoshop files. Because there are none of her code or sites, anywhere. *Headdesk*
It figures: I fire up ssh to get to work on my stuff, and the host is down. Do I have to roll my own hosting provider again too?
gives up - the codebase for the new personal project is going to need a Visio diagram, there's just no other way.
is ready to go right now
Send an overlong d msg on Twitter, the overflow gets posted to your public feed. Oops.
found a Twitter bug, yikes!
was done with the work of the day by 11:11pm and will manage bedtime before midnight for the second night in a row. Yikes!
has some titillating things to say today but no filtered LJ to post to, or potential single recipients not personally invested. Must fix!
is wearing lipstick and feels like going dancing. Hello, eight hours of sleep!
@vQuery really glad to be found, for several reasons! :) Lost you there for a little while!
@sarahtweetie Maggy needs to find some time alone, uninterrupted and hopefully internal drama-free to finish this story. So. 5 o'clock. ......
Yay Kat's home!
is realigning her sleep schedule to wake up at 5am from now on.
@vQuery Ha! Probably not just, I suspect.


Michael Sippey Derek Powazek Adam Rakunas Karla Jeffrey Zeldman Don Nunn Joshua Green Allen Karawynn Jak Todd Yarbrough Stacy Nayad Karel P Kerezman Tom McGrath Brianna Privett Lance Arthur Ann Glenn John Halcyon Styn Mike Koss Eric Weaver ottmar Jason Kottke PCC Natural Markets Steven Champeon Morten Skogly Howard Rheingold Andrew Richardson Kris Millering Hal O'Brien Warren Ellis Patrick Byers Paul R Brown Joe Kennedy Jeff Lopez-Stuit sjc snickr