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Why hasn't the GOP proposed abolishing the minimum wage yet? That would save jobs and stimulate the economy, wouldn't it? </sarcasm>
Proposal: Peg UAW wages to Wall Street starting salaries. Cut one, cut 'em both.
It's snowing.
Improvised dinner. Red peppers make everything better.
@shortyawards #business @capnsmackers — because joke awards deserve fake dead dogs.
Wishing I was on a beach, drinking a margarita.
@shortyawards I nominate @capnsmackers for a Shorty Award in #business because Guy Kawasaki cannot be allowed to win.
Can we please drop the "Gate" from all future scandal references? Harding wasn't involved in "Teapot Dome-Gate".
Writing proposals. My least favorite part of a new project.
Reading a screenplay with a sex scene between Ellen Page and Emma Watson. I think it's about the Olsen twins, in a parallel reality.
"Why should any of us…pay our rent or mortgage in a world where by defaulting or being late you can get the best damn deal in town?"—Reason...
Still not ready for xmas music. I should start with "No Xmas for John Quays" and see if that gets me in the right mood.
Is it bad that I want to buy fonts more than music or clothes?
@SevenMorris: It's probably like French Toast — meaning that it's not really French. Maybe it's just a press in France?
New law: if you're the CEO or a VP and your company lost money last year, you do not get a bonus. Nor do you get options.
If Tribune Co is bankrupt, does that mean Marc Cuban will get a break on the price of buying the Cubs?
A ten foot long table pretty much begs to have chandeliers hung above it. Any recommendations? Caveats: no ceiling fixtures or hooks.
Anyone know if a 13" MacBook in a neoprene sleeve will fit in a Jack Spade Day Bag (the small messenger)?
We now have a ten foot long dining table.
Why isn't the NRA defending Plax? Wait, it can't be because of the obvious reason, can it?


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