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WHAT LISTENING? :: Cut Copy's "In Ghost Colours" because I just need a retro 80's Aussie pop hit to my ear veins.
WHAT DOING? :: Currently uploading MT 4.23, contemplating a full (much needed) redesign of all personal web sites. Yes, Dec is a slow month.
FRIENDS W/ BENEFITS :: Chevron 2007 profits = $18.7bil; Shell 2007 profits = $27.5bil; Exxon 2007 profits = $40.61bil; GM only wants $12bil
3G WHIZ :: You believed the Apple ads showing lightning fast response times on the new iPhone? Apple sez "You're dumb."
WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT :: New shiznat:
SUBSCRIPTION RATES :: The new Fray is OUT! And I am IN it!
I ONLY NEED A COUPLA MILLION :: My personal economy isn't faring too well, either. I'm hardly selling any cars! Where's my bailout?
CLASSIC MONK :: Currently watching old episodes of Derek Jacobi in Cadfael. Netflix 'em for some 12th century ecclesiastical sleuthing.
ICE ICE BABY :: (via The Morning News)
ON BEING OLD :: I turn 47 on 12/29. If you're wondering what to get me, think "raw money." Preferably euros. Large denominations.
FINANCIAL MIGRAINE :: The swings in the Dow are giving me whiplash. Would somebody please make up the economy's mind?
THE OPPOSITE OF U.S. :: Thai court dissolves entire government.
HAW! HAW! :: Little do they know that the world ends in 2012!
NEW PROTEST RANT :: We're here! We're queer! We have ramekins!
LAST GASP OF SMOKE :: The Colbert Christmas Yule Log, complete with burning books
THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE :: When did Hootie become the new Charlie Pride? Did I miss a meeting?
PREMATURE EJERKULATION :: Why the hell are they already showing previews for Star Trek, which doesn't come out for 6 months? Why? The? Hell?
30 YEARS OF DREAMING :: (hat tip: The Morning News dot org)
OIL'S WELL :: Best olive oil I've ever tasted: http://www.stonehouseoliveo... (The Ferry Building = food nirvana)
RE: GRAY SEA SALT :: Because you take olive oil and balsamic and fresh ground pepper and gray sea salt and dip crusty bread into it, silly.


Chris Wetherell veen Maggie Mason Michael Ferguson President Monteiro bryan mason lane evany Michael Sippey Derek Powazek judith Adam Rakunas Ben Brown Meg Hourihan MJ Tom Coates Ben Cerveny irina slutsky Scott Hirsch Greg Veen jish TheBrad Joshua Green Allen Twitterrific Magdalena Donea katie spence hotdogsladies jjg Matt Haughey Brianna Privett bryan boyer Jennifer Robbins Jason Kottke wendy owen Hugo Campos Steven Champeon