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@lingtm You told me that once. I knew it was something I should remember and so I filed it away in case I ever needed it. Thank god I did.
@pablod posted the results of the Funde Razor tallies:
Just saw the day the earth stood still remake. Verdict: meh. Watchable but heavily flawed.
@MaryRobinette around that she, I liked the ralph s. Mouse books by Beverly cleary.
@JeremiahTolbert I didn't know any songs had that data. That's interesting.
@jennyrae just realized--I could have found your funde razor song on YouTube on my iPhone. At least then you could have heard it first. :)
@pablod let's call it a draw. To be fair, I'm the only one who had a minute long break in the middle of my song.
Holy shot pablo is back on stage rocking some painkiller. Omg!
That last post was in the middle of our song btw. I'm that badass.
Playig in funde razor right now!!!
@ecmyers There will be at least some books as prizes in the raffle (including mine). Plus lots of Tor folk will be there. Sort of literary!
My band Zombie Robot live tonight at NYC Village Pourhouse: http://www.johnjosephadams....
@JeremiahTolbert I want to eat my SF out of the toilet. (Dystopian SF?)
@pablod depends what the nanos are programmed to do. If cylin blood is very similar but has nanos to fight infections that would work.
What's the best way to watch online video with an iPhone if video is not on YouTube? Most streaming bid needs flash and iPhone can't install


Adam Rakunas James BDO Darth Vader Annalee Newitz Christina Marcet Wil Wheaton Juliet U. Cory Doctorow John Klima Erin Cashier Warren Ellis Pablo Defendini Jason Erik Lundberg Greg van Eekhout shunn John D. Mary Robinette Kowal Josh_Smith tobiasbuckell Paul Graham Raven jstrahan P Nielsen Hayden John Scalzi Samantha Ling gregory_frost Cobra Commander cmpriest Krista Fuentes Irene Gallo Jennifer Jackson bluejack timpratt susanmarie Erin Hoffman JeremiahTolbert Grant Stone