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Friday night in YVR, this is going to be weird.
walking around Kathmandu
getting ready to do YVR-DFW-ORD-DEL-KTM in 48 hours.
having a fucking awesome day
@bs iced yerba mate is called tereré. Quite common during the summer in the north of Argentina. Try making it with lemon or orange peels FTW...
a double bass in my room, calluses in my fingers.
learning french, in the best of ways to learn a new language.
trying my fathers cure for a viral infection in one's throat: whisky.
" Those who claim that crude futures cannot drive spot prices overlook Saudis and others use futures for their pricing."
gmail is fucking dropping emails from prospective employers. FAIL.
@timoreilly cheap mortages raise demand for houses in the present, oil futures havent affect current oil demand very much: evidence is l ...
@timoreilly yes it can have an impact, but that impact has to be channelled either through rising reserves or through less oil being pumped
@timoreilly The Economist making the argument I was trying to the other day
my check arrived, the joy!
trying to figure out what to do with my stuff (currently spread over 3 continents)
Have an extra ticket for the 7:30-8 entrance into the Kahlo show at SF MoMA, anyone wants it?
looking for a job. . Cant figure this out: weird utility functions or retarded bussines plans? I guess the market will decide.
in SF once again. Zeigeist in a while anyone?
trying to rent an apartment, meeting some very unconvincing 419 scammers via email, oh the fun.


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