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Trippi: "I think parties are dead, over the long haul... I mean, I love my party. But..."
Harvard Berkman conf having lunch across the hall from Harvard IoP conf! RUMBLE! Nerds v. Wonks.
More from Harvard conf: "Millions" of Obama supporters did not self-identify as Democrats. "But the definition of Democrat is evolving."
Questions for Obama e-team v different than those for McCain. Basically, HOW DID YOU WORK YR WONDERFUL WONDERFUL MAGIC? And are you hiring?
Newsflash: Lefty media still pissed off at McCain camp. Weirdly accusatory in their qs to the e-team: WHY DIDNT YOU SOLICIT VIDEO!? WHY!!??
Conference I'm attending has session conveniently skedded to be in "hotel lobby." Good for ppl who don't want to appear to be at conference!
Rick Stengel on Morning Joe says "collateralized debt obligations" could be "Person of the Year." Well, you know, FINALLY! (Obama will get.)
Just going to put this out now: I will probably go see "Marley and Me." Pls don't hate me. - @arimelber says "I use a lot of energy in the way I live."
In breakout group w/Chris Hughes, who gleefully admitted Obama campaign "kidnaped" journalists. Also he is 12. And his collar is twisted. - Is it possible for an entire campaign (or, uhm, administration) to jump the shark? (Only getting Obama pin-up ...
@mileskahn Yes, and the LHC is still broken if "broken"=Still doesn't rewind time allowing me to pick out different dress for jr prom.
So wrong they're ... really, really wrong:
@steps that's correct--i found no applicants who've made it to next level. and the campaign wouldn't tell me if it's happened.
OK, I prolly don't take it all back. Put it this way: If you haven't heard back re: yr app, you aren't alone
If you have received a call from Obama based on yr application, I TAKE IT ALL BACK!
Chuck T says Rahm "almost definitely" on Blago tapes, delivering "Entourage-laden" diatribe. Assume this means lots of "hugging it out," y?
If I had a job, I would totally call in gay today! Instead I will slack off straight (but not narrow).
Comfort of hotel bed rises in proportion to obscurity of conference. This is my first hypothesis.


Meg Hourihan Rex Sorgatz Defamer Barack Obama Patrick Ruffini Stephen Colbert Jason Kottke Sockamillion Michael Turk Adam Conner John Dickerson Clay Shirky Liz RSC Adam Koford Michael Nelson Joe Trippi myglesias ilyseh Choire Hussein Sicha IowaCaucus Jeff Jarvis OKnox adickerson Mike Madden rachelsklar marcambinder Breaking News ericpfeiffer robmillis daveweigel James Higa dceiver Sasha Frere-Jones ktumulty